Asking for Help
Before you can rule out problems caused by mods or games, you need to consider that there is a problem with the Java VM driver (launcher) or hardware.
Repeat, the location of your minecraft folder. The following will be replaced with "[minecraft-version]":
When you use version isolation, each of your minecraft version folders will be in HMCLPE/.minecraft/versions/[your-version-name]
If not,your minecraft version folders will be in
Before seeking help, you need to have the following documents ready:
Crash reports are generally named as
The types include client (client side) and server (server side), client side is the game launched directly with a launcher (such as HMCL-PE), server side is the server launched with the opening service file.
Location:Your Brain
Asking for Help
There are two ways asking for help:
Committing Issues to GitHub
Format reference:
Copy this block of code, paste it into the input box, and click Preview to check if the formatting is correct before posting
Multiple documents to copy by yourself
Get help at Discord
You can upload your files in Discord's "Support:#on-game-crash-report."
You can also send files directly to #General for help. There are more people online there, but not all of them may be able to answer your questions.
This is a tutorial from the official Discord:
Summary* Navigate to the help channel which best suits the nature of your issue
* Open a thread describing the issue with as much pertinent detail as possible e.g
Relevant information from your logs
When was the issue first observed,was there a time recently when the issue did not exist, what has changed since
What tutorials or help have you already tried
*Do not beg for help - when someone who is familiar with your ssue is available to offer assistance they will do so. Do not ping members for assistance without their prior consent. Please be patient.
*Do not cross post in seeking assistance
*We do not represent Canonical, we cannot provide "official" support or log your bugs
What are threads and how do we use them?
You can click on the links to jump to the official tutorials included in the manual.
You can also get the tutorial in Discord under "Support:#readme".
Note: Please do not copy the content of the file and paste it in Discord, this will not only lead to untidy content, but will also take up a lot of your chat space