You now have three ways to contribute to the writing of the manual.
Translate content into your own language
Report a content error, submit Issue on Github
Submit new content using Pull Request
In writing the manual, the administrator found that most of the people in Discord are not native English speakers, so the complex English tutorials make it difficult for them to read. You can use translation software to first translate the English content into your own language, then embellish it with spoken language and finally make the manual accessible to a wider audience.
You can do this by changing the file directly and submitting a Pull Request for translation.
You can sign up for a free Github account with your own email address and contribute to the manual.
Click to view the tutorial.
You drag down and there are other supported languages
If your native language is not among the supported languages, you can let me create a branch by @me at Discord, or by submitting an Issue on Github.
Finally, you just need to wait for the administrator to review it.
You can learn how to submit an issue by clicking here. Go to Github and submit your first Issue.
You can do what the manual says in this section, you can also go check here for more help (WIP)