⌨️Control Layout Pattern

Since the manual author rarely uses this feature, there is very little content, so I'd appreciate it if you could add and contribute!

Open the Global game settings screen, find this:

You can manage the touch layout options that HMCL-PE gives you.


You can click the Create button to create a new Control Layout Pattern


You can change the touch layout options by clicking the “🖊” icon without opening the game.

The specific settings will be mentioned below.


You can click the share button to export your settings as a .hmclpe file and share with friends

You can exchange these with other players in the "HMCL-PE": "#custom-control" section of the official HMCL-PE Discord.


After you download someone else's file, you need to use this function to import it to HMCL-PE. or you can click on the downloaded .hmclpe format file and open it with HMCL-PE

You may not have a way to import Pojav Launcher's Control Layout Pattern directly into HMCLPE for now, so you will need to manually reset the Control Layout Pattern (click for tutorial)****


You can delete configuration by clicking the "🗑" button.

Last updated